Fine-grained complexity of coloring unit disks
On planar graphs, many classic algorithmic problems enjoy a certain square root phenomenon and can be solved significantly faster than what is known to be possible on general graphs: for example, Independent Set, 3-Coloring, Hamiltonian Cycle, Dominating Set can be solved in time
2O(√n) on an n-vertex planar graph, while no 2o(n) algorithms exist for general graphs, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH). The square root in the exponent seems to be best possible for planar graphs: assuming the ETH, the running time for these problems cannot be improved to 2o(√n). In some cases, a
similar speedup can be obtained for 2-dimensional geometric problems, for example, there are 2O(√nlogn) time algorithms for Independent Set on unit disk graphs or for TSP on 2-dimensional point sets.
In this paper, we explore whether such a speedup is possible for geometric coloring problems. On the one hand, geometric objects can behave similarly to planar graphs: \textsc{3-Coloring} can be solved in time 2O(√n) on the intersection graph of n unit disks in the plane and, assuming the ETH, there is no such algorithm with running time 2o(√n). On the other hand, if the number ℓ of colors is part of the input, then no such speedup is possible: Coloring the intersection graph of n unit disks with ℓ colors cannot be solved in time 2o(n), assuming the ETH. More precisely, we exhibit a smooth increase of complexity as the number ℓ of colors increases: If we restrict the number of colors to ℓ=Θ(nα) for some 0≤α≤1, then the problem of coloring the intersection graph of n unit disks with ℓ colors
- can be solved in time exp(O(n1+α2logn))=exp(O(√nℓlogn)), and
- cannot be solved in time exp(o(n1+α2))=exp(o(√nℓ)), unless the ETH fails.
joint work with
Csaba Biró, Édouard Bonnet, Dániel Marx, and Paweł Rzazewski
PS: I am happy to give a talk, but if there are too many talks already, I am also happy not to give a talk.