H-unitality for smooth groupoid algebras
A celebrated result of Dixmier-Malliavin says that every element of the smooth convolution algebra A=C∞c(G) of a Lie group G can be expressed as a finite sum of products. That is, the map A⊗A→A is surjective. In previous work, I extended this result to the case where G is a Lie groupoid. Continuing this work, I recently showed that A is in fact H-unital in the sense of Wodzicki. This means the bar complex ⋯A⊗3→A⊗2→A→0 is exact, and is the key notion for excision in cyclic homology. I furthermore established H-unitality of infinite-order vanishing ideals in A associated to invariant submanifolds which means excision holds for these ideals. This work gives a principle for calculating cyclic homology of smooth groupoid algebras: localize the calculation around invariant submanifolds.