Homological projective duality for symmetric rank loci
Jørgen Rennemo, University of Oslo
Date and Time:
Friday, August 9, 2019 - 10:30am to 11:30am
Fields Institute, Room 230
We consider the (projective) variety Sk,n of symmetric (n×n)-matrices of rank at most k. This is singular, but by work of Špenko-Van den Bergh it admits a (possibly Brauer twisted) non-commutative crepant resolution S′k,n. Following a physical duality proposed by Hori and a conjecture by Kuznetsov, we work out the homological projective duals of these resolved spaces. Modulo taking double covers and Brauer twists according to a prescription based on the parities of k and n, we find that S′k,n is HP dual to S′n−k+1,n. This is joint work with Ed Segal.