Humanity or Bust: Can We Keep Mathematics' Soul In An AI World?
Description: Mathematics, pedagogy and technology are trying to work in concert to help improve math education. However, it seems that the role of actual mathematics has declined over the last 25 years, giving way to a more of a supporting voice than a leading one. This is resulting in the erosion of mathematics' higher purpose--its humanity and soul. Referencing the artistic decline in music and AI's biggest question mark--can it inspire?--the presentation will discuss mathematics that lies outside the domain of AI focus, and how its neglect will contribute to a technological pursuit that will not serve the best interests of mathematics education in the future.
Bio: Sunil Singh is the author of the book Pi of Life: The Hidden Happiness of Mathematics. He is heavily involved in this year's Global Math Project that is connecting over 80 countries. He travels all around North America speaking and providing workshops for K to 12 mathematics.