Intense Field Rabi Oscillations and quantum control in two-level systems
Here we use perturbation techniques based on the averaging method to investigate Rabi oscillations in cw and pulse-driven two-level systems
(TLS's). By going beyond the rotating-wave approximation, specifically to second-order in perturbation, we obtain the Bloch-Siegert shift
of the TLS resonant frequency, in which the resonant frequency increases with the driving field amplitude. This frequency shift implies that short resonant $\pi$-pulses do not achieve complete inversion in TLS's. Hence, guided by analytical results based on the averaging technique, we propose two methods for obtaining population inversions in the TLS driven by short $\pi$-pulses: one with chirping and the other with pulse shaping and near resonance blue-shifted detuning. Both methods minimize dephasing due to the Bloch-Siegert shift, reduce the dependance of the excitation of the TLS on the pulse phase, and are very effective in achieving complete population inversions.