Introduction to G2~geometry, Part II
We begin with a very brief review of Berger's list of Riemannian holonomy groups and of the more well-known U(m)-structures. Then we will introduce the octonions, cross products, and the exceptional calibrations on R7, which will allow us to define G2-structures. Next, we will study the concrete representation theory of G2, which will allow us to define the torsion forms and define various classes of G2-structures. Finally, we will end part one by expressing the Ricci tensor in terms of the torsion, and give a concrete computational proof of the theorem of Fernandez-Gray relating parallel and harmonic calibration forms. In part two, we will briefly mention Joyce's perturbative existence theorem of torsion-free G2-structures given appropriate initial data used for compact constructions of smooth compact G2 manifolds. This topic will be treated in great detail in the later lectures of Kovalev. Finally, we will establish the smoothness of the moduli space of compact G2 manifolds and discuss some special geometric structures on this moduli space.