Inverse systems of groupoids, with applications to \newcommand{\Cst}{\text{C}^*}\Cst-algebras
Groupoid \Cst-algebras have long provided useful and interesting examples of \Cst-algebras, and their role has increased in importance in recent years. In the context of the classification program, for example, a result of Li from 2020 shows that every classifiable \Cst-algebra is isomorphic to a twisted groupoid \Cst-algebra. In coarse geometry, one can construct a coarse groupoid for a metric space X and use this structure in the study of the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for X.
As such, it is of interest to investigate when inverse systems of groupoids dualize to direct limits of groupoid \Cst-algebras. Additionally, we were interested in writing \sigma-compact groupoids as limits of inverse systems of second-countable groupoids, in the hopes of extending some of the results which were only available in the second-countable setting.
If \newcommand{\gpdG}{\mathcal{G}}\gpdG and \newcommand{\gpdH}{\mathcal{H}}\gpdH are groupoids equipped with Haar measures, we will define what it means for a morphism \gpdG \to \gpdH to be Haar system preserving, and show that such morphisms induce *-morphisms at the \Cst-algebra level. We will then apply this observation to inverse systems of groupoids. In particular, for a specific \sigma-compact groupoid \gpdG equipped with a Haar system \{\mu^x\} we will discuss how to construct an inverse system of second-countable groupoids whose limit is \gpdG. I will conclude the talk with a discussion of properties and applications of this construction.
This is based on joint work with Kyle Austin.