Lifting mobility restrictions, superspreading events and control of the short-term dynamics of COVID-19 in Mexico
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A series of models will be presented that attempt an explanation to the plateau-like behavior that the epidemic curves show in several places, exemplifying our results with the case of Mexico City. Also, we will comment on the related aspect of controlling in an optimal way the epidemic using reductions in contact rates through non-pharmaceutical interventions
Professor at the Instituto de Matematicas Unidad Juriquilla, Queretaro Mexico. He obtained his PhD from Claremont Graduate University in 1991. He was a postdoc fellow at Cornell University (91-92,94-96). Founder of the Multidisciplinary Node in Applied Mathematics. SIAM Fellow, member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He was the former President of the Mexican Mathematical Society. Ample experience in management and direction of R&D projects at the Mexican Petroleum Institute. Present interests centered on the modeling of infectious diseases prevalent in Latin America and Mexico, in particular. To date, actively involved with the modeling of the COVID-19 epidemic in Mexico in collaboration with the National University of Mexico and the government of Mexico City.
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