Loophole-Free Interferometric Test of Macrorealism Using Heralded Single Photons
We show unambiguous violations of the different macrorealist inequalities, like the Leggett-Garg inequality (LGI) and its variant called the Wigner form of Leggett-Garg inequality (WLGI) using a heralded, single-photon based experimental setup comprising a Mach-Zehnder interferometer followed by a displaced Sagnac interferometer [1].
In our experiment, the negative result measurements are implemented as control experiments, in order to validate the presumption of non-invasive measurability used in defining the notion of macrorealism. Among all the experiments to date testing macrorealism, the present experiment stands out in comprehensively addressing the relevant loopholes. The clumsiness loophole is addressed through the precision testing of any classical or macro-realist invasiveness involved in the implementation of negative result measurements. This is done by suitably choosing the experimental parameters so that the quantum mechanically predicted validity of all the relevant two-time no-signalling in time (NSIT) conditions is maintained in all the three pairwise experiments performed to show the violation of LGI/WLGI. Further, importantly, the detection efficiency loophole is addressed in our experimental scheme by adopting suitable modifications in the measurement strategy enabling the demonstration of the violation of LGI/WLGI for any non-zero detection efficiency. We also show how other relevant loopholes like the multiphoton emission loophole, coincidence loophole, and the preparation state loophole are all closed in the present experiment. We report the LGI violation of 1.32±0.04 and the WLGI violation of 0.10±0.02 in our setup, where the magnitudes of violation are respectively eight times and five times the corresponding error values, while agreeing perfectly with the ranges of the quantum mechanically predicted values of the LGI, WLGI expressions that we estimate by taking into account the non-idealities of the actual experiment.
At the same time, consistent with quantum mechanical predictions, the experimentally observed probabilities satisfy all the two-time NSIT conditions up to the order of 10−2. Thus, the non-invasiveness in our implemented negative result measurement is convincingly upper-bounded to 10−2.
[1] Loophole free interferometric test of macrorealism using heralded single photons, K.Joarder, D.Saha, D.Home, U.Sinha, PRX Quantum, 3, 010307, 2022.