Mirror symmetry for Fano 3-folds
As explained by Auroux, the Strominger--Yau--Zaslow heuristic predicts that the mirror of a Fano n-fold is a family of Calabi--Yau (n−1)-folds over the affine line with maximally unipotent monodromy at infinity. We first explain how this prediction together with work of Doran--Harder--Novoseltsev--Thompson recovers the classification of Fano 3-folds with b2=1. Due to the minimal model program, the classification of b2=1 Fano 3-folds with so-called terminal singularities is an important open problem. Miles Reid et al described a list of approximately 40,000 candidate Hilbert series for such Q-Fano 3-folds, most of which are not known to exist. They also classified examples of codimension ≤3 in the anti-canonical embedding (for example, there are 95 deformation types of Q-Fano hypersurfaces in weighted projective space). We explain how to modify the above heuristic in the Q-Fano case and discuss applications to classification.
This is joint work in progress with Alessio Corti.