New thoughts regarding pathogenesis of Parkinson disease
The concepts of brain organization and its architecture are rooted in the neurobiology of evolution itself. The laws that have governed the complexity of nature as we see it have all been applied to the nervous system as they have to every other complex system. As the nervous system currently exists, these laws seem to have been forgotten in the understanding of why the architecture may have become this way. In terms of the understanding of the physiology and function of the nervous system and then considering why the system fails as in neurodegenerative disease has therefore remained an enigma to a large extent. Two important concepts that are engrained within physics are those of thermodynamics and electrodynamics. While separate, these concepts are dependent on each other for the very existence of complex systems and especially applicable to the constituent elements of the nervous system.
These constructs result in a balance between multistate and nonequilibrium conditions that make the system rich at forming solutions. These states may exist at all levels of cellular biology. We present data using charge dynamics that show the transient existence of bistable states at the charge level and also at behavioral level.