ROOM TWO: The centre-quotient property and weak centrality for C∗-algebras
Let A be a C∗-algebra with centre Z(A). If I is a closed two-sided ideal of A, it is immediate that (Z(A)+I)/I⊆Z(A/I). A C∗-algebra A is said to have the centre-quotient property (shortly, the CQ-property) if for any closed two-sided ideal I of A,
By a famous result of Vesterstr\{o}m from 1971, a unital C∗-algebra A has the CQ-property if and only if it is weakly central, that is for any pair of maximal ideals M and N of A, M∩Z(A)=N∩Z(A) implies M=N. The most prominent examples of weakly central C∗-algebras A are those satisfying the Dixmier property, that is for each x∈A the closure of the convex hull of the unitary orbit of x intersects Z(A). In particular, von Neumann algebras are weakly central.
In this talk we study weak centrality, the CQ-property and several equivalent conditions for general C∗-algebras that are not necessarily unital. We then investigate the failure of weak centrality in two different ways. Firstly, we show that every C∗-algebra A has a largest weakly central ideal Jwc(A), which can be readily determined in several examples. Secondly, we study the set VA of individual elements of A which prevent the weak centrality (or the CQ-property) of A. The set VA is contained in the complement of Jwc(A) and, in certain cases, is somewhat smaller than one might expect. In the course of this, we address a fundamental lifting problem that is closely linked to the CQ-property: for a fixed ideal I of a unital C∗-algebra A, we find a necessary and sufficient condition for a central element of A/I to lift to a central element of A.
This is a joint work with Robert J. Archbold (University of Aberdeen).