Sign distributions for Riesz bases/frames and smooth embeddings of L2 spaces
Nicolas Nikolski, Institut des Mathématiques de Bordeaux
Date and Time:
Friday, September 24, 2021 - 11:00am to 11:50am
Given a metric measure space, we evaluate the sign intermixing of a real valued function using the KR-norm (= Kantorovich-Rubinstein-Wasserstein optimal transportation cost). The smaller is the KR-norm, the better is the sign intermixing. For the standard L2 space over a d-dimensional cube, we find sharp smallness intervals where the KR-norms of a Riesz bases/frames "must be" and/or "can be". Possible applications to other compact embeddings of L2 spaces are also discussed. The talk is mostly based on a joint work with Alexander Volberg.