SisterLab #2 Artist Talks and performances
Cecilia Vilca – La Verdad. AI for indigenous communities
Praba Pilar – Techno Tamaladas. Nixtamalization as a technology of life
Nathalie Dubois Calero - BacterHuman. A performance and talk
Cecilia Vilca is a Peruvian media artist whose artistic work at the intersection of art and science applies a decolonial lens to gender, society, and nature by connecting ancient technologies with new ones. Her main goal and poetic is to encourage reflection through revelation using technology. Her projects are born from her personal crusades; therefore, they are micropolitical flesh.
Prada Pilar is a diasporic Colombian interdisciplinary artist. The two artists will come to Toronto with their individual practices and their present collaboration on the “Techno Tamaladas” project, which draws on the practice & knowledge of cultivating corn/maíz across the Americas to sustain life. In recognizing the Indigenous technology of nixtamalization as a technology of life, the project reimagines technological futurity.
Nathalie Dubois-Calero is a "fully self-accepted BacterVirHuman", a bioartist and plant science researcher based in Montreal. her works are feminist acts of reconciliation with her non (or too much?) human components. She uses microbes as her main medium in workshops, performances, videos, and object-making. Her recent project, BacterHuman, focuses on the cutaneous microbiota (all the microorganisms living on and inside the skin) and the multifaceted relationships we have with it.