Spectral Triples for Noncommutative Solenoids
Therese Landry, University of California, Santa Barbara
Date and Time:
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 2:50pm to 3:35pm
Noncommutative solenoids are inductive limit algebras built from rotation algebras. By viewing noncommutative solenoids as twisted group C∗-algebras, we construct spectral triples for noncommutative solenoids based on length functions of bounded doubling. Our spectral triples also induce a Leibniz quantum compact metric space structure. In addition, our spectral triples for noncommutative solenoids are, in the sense of Floricel and Ghorbanpour, likewise inductive limits of spectral triples on rotation algebras. This is joint work with C. Farsi, N. Larsen, and J. Packer.