Transcoherent States and Beyond: The Best Way to Transfer Coherence from Light to Qubits
Transcoherent states were invented to transfer maximal coherence from the electromagnetic field to a resonant atom or qubit, without any residual qubit-field entanglement. We now show how to go beyond this paradigm, finding field states that will perfectly transfer any arbitrary amount of coherence to a qubit in an arbitrarily short amount of time. For example, the optimal field states for generating $\theta$-pulses on ground-state qubits are coherent states that have their number fluctuations squeezed by a factor of $\DeclareMathOperator{\sinc}{sinc}\sinc \theta$. We generalize these results to multiple qubits, explaining exactly how field squeezing can perfectly mitigate backaction in light-matter interactions.
This is joint work with Khabat Heshami and Aephraim Steinberg. This work was supported by NSERC.