Tropical Lagrangian tori in CP2∖E
Jeffrey Hicks, University of California Berkeley
Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 6, 2019 - 10:30am to 11:30am
Fields Institute, Room 230
We construct a tropical Lagrangian torus LT2⊂CP2∖E which is not isotopic to the standard product torus Fq in CP2∖E. We then investigate a symplectomorphism of CP2∖E which interchanges Fq and LT2. We speculate on the action of this symplectomorphism on the Fukaya category and its relation to homological mirror symmetry.
This work was partially supported by NSF grants DMS-1406274 and DMS-1344991 and by a Simons Foundation grant (#385573, Simons Collaboration on Homological Mirror Symmetry).