Waves and localised waveform in elastic metamaterials
Elastic metamaterials are structured multi-scale systems, which are designed to control propagation of elastic waves in the desired frequency range. The lecture includes two classes of systems: structured waveguides incorporating multiple arrays of point defects in elastic flexural plates, and chiral elastic systems containing gyroscopic elements in an elastic lattice. Localised waveforms, guiding of elastic waves and dynamic anisotropy are controlled through the design of constituents of the multi-scale systems. In particular, the chiral systems exhibit breaking of the conventional symmetries and give rise to the so-called parabolic metamaterials. Analytical findings are accompanied by illustrative examples.
The talk is based on the results of the joint work with I.S. Jones, A.B. Movchan, G. Carta, S.G. Haslinger and R.V. Craster.