Yes, I can. Paying Attention to Well-Being in the Mathematics Classroom
Participants will learn about the Ministry’s commitment to well-being, the work of the Renewed Math Strategy and connections between these priorities. We will explore concrete examples of how to pay attention to achievement and well-being at the same time by focusing on the student at the centre of the experience.
Bios: Myra Stephen is an Education Officer with the Ministry of Education in the Policy, Priority and Engagement Branch. Her work is currently focused on promoting and supporting well-being in the school system. Myra was the lead for the review of the Health and Physical Education curriculum and has worked in the school system as a teacher, curriculum consultant and Vice Principal. She has taught at the elementary and secondary levels, in Toronto and in Japan.
Alison Macaulay is an Education Officer with the Ministry of Education in the Curriculum, Assessment and Student Success Policy Branch. She is a member of the Implementation and Review Team, and her portfolio is the mathematics curriculum. Prior to coming to the Ministry, Alison was a mathematics consultant and classroom teacher for the Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board.