Calabi–Yau 4-folds quotient of irreducible hyperkaehler 4-folds
The aim of this talk is to construct Calabi--Yau 4-folds as crepant resolution of the quotients of a hyperaehler 4-fold X by a non-symplectic involution α. First, we compute the Hodge numbers of a Calabi--Yau constructed in this way in a general setting and then we apply the results to several specific examples of non-symplectic involution, producing Calabi--Yau 4-folds with different Hodge diamond. Then, we restrict ourselves to the case where X is the Hilbert scheme of two points on a K3 surface S and the involution α is induced by a non-symplectic involution on the K3 surface. In this case we compare the Calabi--Yau 4-fold YS, which is the crepant resolution of X/α, with the Calabi--Yau 4-fold ZS, constructed by the Borcea--Voisin construction by S, describing a rational 2:1 map from ZS to YS. This is a joint work with Chiara Camere and Giovanni Mongardi.