Mirror symmetry for fibrations and degenerations
Dolgachev was probably the first to notice that Dolgachev-Nikulin mirror symmetry for K3
surfaces matches Type II degenerations of a K3 surface with elliptic fibrations on its mirror. A few years
later Tyurin noticed that something similar seemed to be true for higher dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds,
and Auroux worked out the details of this correspondence in a special case. However, aside from these
contributions, surprisingly little work has been done. In this talk I will present some results and conjectures
that hint at a deeper structure underlying this correspondence, which encompasses mirror symmetry for
Calabi-Yau manifolds, Fano varieties, and Landau-Ginzburg models. This talk is on joint work with C. F.
Doran and A. Harder.