The weak Hilbert-Smith conjecture from a Borsuk-Ulam-type conjecture
The Borsuk-Ulam-type conjecture of Baum, Dąbrowski and Hajac states that given a free action of a compact group G on a compact space X, there are no G-equivariant maps X∗G→X (with ∗ denoting the topological join). We prove this conjecture for locally trivial principal G-bundles which amounts to the non-existence of G-equivariant maps G∗(n+1)→G∗n, which in turn is a slight strengthening of an unpublished result of M. Bestvina and R. Edwards. Moreover, we show that the Baum-Dąbrowski-Hajac conjecture partially settles a conjecture of Ageev which implies the weak version of the Hilbert-Smith conjecture stating that no infinite compact zero-dimensional group can act freely on a manifold such that the orbit space is finite-dimensional.