Monday, February 3
Andrew Lewis (Queen's University)
Lecture 09 | Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and Differential Geometry
Professor Mike Stillman (Cornell University)
Lecture 4
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
Lecture 13 | Modern Algebraic Geometry
Farbod Shokrieh, University of Washington
Canonical local heights and Berkovich skeleta
Balint Veto
Brownian web distance and Bernoulli-Exponential first passage percolation
Tuesday, February 4
Christian Haase, Freie Universität Berlin
An invitation to lattice polytopes
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Anibal Medina-Mardones (Western University)
Lecture 09 | Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
Wednesday, February 5
Andrew Lewis (Queen's University)
Lecture 10 | Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and Differential Geometry
Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
Lecture 14 | Modern Algebraic Geometry
John Griffiths (University of Toronto)
Jérémie Lefebvre (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 01: Single Neuron Models
Part of the Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Neuroscience
Maia Fraser (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 09 | Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning
Thursday, February 6
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Anibal Medina-Mardones (Western University)
Lecture 10 | Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
Christian Haase, Freie Universität Berlin
What is a reflexive polytope
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Kasra Rafi (University of Toronto)
Lecture 09 | Randomness in Groups
Friday, February 7
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
Lecture 15 | Modern Algebraic Geometry
Barbara Amaral (University of Sao Paulo)
Contextuality in anomalous heat flow
Shu Wang (University of Toronto)
Inferring reaction network structure from single-cell omics data using toric dynamics and varieties
Jorge Antonio Cruz Chapital
Uniform convergence topology on separable subsets
Maia Fraser (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 10 | Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning
Saturday, February 8
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Sunday, February 9
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications