Sunday, February 9
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Monday, February 10
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Andrew Lewis (Queen's University)
Lecture 11 | Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and Differential Geometry
Professor Mike Stillman (Cornell University)
Lecture 5
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Grisha Taroyan, University of Toronto
de Rham theory in derived differential geometry
Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
Lecture 16 | Modern Algebraic Geometry
Gaurav Patil, University of Toronto
Techniques in parametrization of rings and counting number-fields with fixed degree
Konstantin Khanin (University of Toronto)
First Passage Percolation in a Product-Type Random Environment
Tuesday, February 11
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Anibal Medina-Mardones (Western University)
Lecture 11 | Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
Jay Yang, Washington University in St. Louis
Resolutions from Stratifications and Lattices
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Aiden Lindberg (University of Toronto)
Nonperturbative deformation quantization via quantum Hodge theory
Kasra Rafi (University of Toronto)
Lecture 10 | Randomness in Groups
Wednesday, February 12
Andrew Lewis (Queen's University)
Lecture 12 | Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and Differential Geometry
Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
Lecture 17 | Modern Algebraic Geometry
John Griffiths (University of Toronto)
Jérémie Lefebvre (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 02: Neural Networks (Hopfield, Perceptron, Machine learning)
Part of the Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Neuroscience
Maia Fraser (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 11 | Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning
Thursday, February 13
Anibal Medina-Mardones (Western University)
Lecture 12 | Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
Janet Page, North Dakota State University
A Brief Introduction to F-Singularities
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Janet Page, North Dakota State University
Extremal Hypersurfaces in Positive Characteristic
Part of the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications
Kasra Rafi (University of Toronto)
Lecture 11 | Randomness in Groups
Friday, February 14
Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)
Lecture 18 | Modern Algebraic Geometry
Eric Woolgar (University of Alberta)
A dominant energy condition for smooth Bakry-Émery Ricci curvature and a Hawking-type horizon topology theorem
Shaun Allison, UofT
Ulm-like invariants for "almost smooth" Polish group actions
Maia Fraser (University of Ottawa)
Lecture 12 | Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning
Allen Knutson (Cornell)
Schubert calculus through puzzles